
pulse sequence中文是什么意思

  • 脉冲串
  • 脉冲序列



  • 例句与用法
  • A new feature extraction method for radar pulse sequences
  • Prbspseudo - random binary pulse sequence
  • The research on comparing the result of anal fistula diagnose with different mr pulse sequences
  • Clinical application of fluid attenuated inversion recovery pulse sequences in mri of the brain
  • In the send site , binary message sequence is modulated between pulse sequences , then took it into wireless channel
  • Signal in mr images is high or low ( bright or dark ) , depending on the pulse sequence used , and the type of tissue in the image
    磁共振中的信号根据所用脉冲的顺序以及所要成像组织的类型分为高信号或低信号(亮或者暗) 。
  • Signal in mr images is high or low ( bright or dark ) , depending on the pulse sequence used , and the type of tissue in the image region of interest
    磁共振中的信号根据所用脉冲的顺序以及所要成像组织的类型分为高信号或第信号(亮或者暗) 。
  • Chemical - shift magnetic resonance ( mr ) imaging is gradually accepted as a useful technique to distinguish benign adrenal lesions from malignant counterparts based on in - phase and out - of - phase gradient - echo pulse sequences
  • A interception probability reduction theory by means of comparing the rppm with constant pri pulse sequence is also analysised in this paper , further more the strong properties of eccm of the rppm is discussed and analysised
    此外,本文还介绍了随机脉位调制信号比较于等重复周期( pri )脉冲信号来降低信号被截获概率的原理,讨论并分析了随机脉位调制脉冲多普勒雷达较强的抗干扰能力。
  • But to this algorithm , it is important to select initial value and the amount of computation is large ; ( 3 ) an algorithm is presented to estimate the prfs based on stochastic dynamic - linear models . ( 4 ) a new algorithm for selecting detecting threshold based on the wavelet theory is presented to the environment when pulse sequences distribute unevenly in the whole sampling time
    该算法的不足是对初始状态的选取非常重要且运算量较大; ( 3 )提出基于动态线性模型利用prf进行重频分选的算法; ( 4 )将小波理论应用到重频分选中,提出了一种新的检测门限,适用于脉冲列分布不均匀的信号环境。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In Fourier Transform NMR spectroscopy and imaging, a pulse sequence describes a series of radio frequency pulses applied to the sample, such that the free induction decay is related to the characteristic frequencies of the wanted signals. After applying a Fourier Transform, the signal can be represented in the frequency domain as the NMR spectrum.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
pulse sequence的中文翻译,pulse sequence是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译pulse sequence,pulse sequence的中文意思,pulse sequence的中文pulse sequence in Chinesepulse sequence的中文pulse sequence怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
